The arm piercing part 001went in last night to finish my a surface piercing on my arm. About 6 weeks
ago I had 2 anchors put in to my upper bicep, arm piercing

The arm piercing part 002arm piercing

The arm piercing part 003arm piercing

The arm piercing part 004arm piercing
The arm piercing part 005arm piercing

The arm piercing part 006arm piercing

The arm piercing part 007arm piercing

The arm piercing part 008arm piercing

The arm piercing part 009arm piercing

The arm piercing part 010arm piercing
The arm piercing part 011arm piercing

The arm piercing part 012arm piercing

The arm piercing part 013arm piercing

The arm piercing part 014arm piercing
The arm piercing part 015arm piercing
The arm piercing part 016arm piercing

The arm piercing part 017arm piercing