20. The One with the Gun Pointing at Your Vagina
Freud would have a field day deconstructing the meaning of a piece of body art that implies the bloody mutilation of one’s reproductive organs.

What this woman has done to her body is inexcusable. However, it would’ve been completely acceptable if she made herself look like a cross between a tiger and Apollo Creed.

Woman: “Do you have any tattoo designs that feature a shark eating a baby?”
Tattoo Artist: “But, of course. It’s one of our most popular.”
Woman: “Great! How much will it cost to put it on my armpit?”

Some people have celebrated the election of America’s first African-American President with collector plates and commemorative T-shirts. At least one woman decided a permanent image inked into her shoulder was the best way to honor the historic occasion. Now that’s ink we can believe in!

There are two types of people in this world. The ones that think getting a tattoo of a vagina is horrifically classless and then this woman.

Have you ever been brutally beaten and thought, “This is a good look for me.” Well, someone out there did.

If you’re going to be so hardcore, at least use your Twitter handle so we can follow you. We love crazy!

Why stop at a connect-the-dots tattoo? Why not a word search? Or “The New York Times” crossword puzzle?

What’s weirder? Someone who turns her chest into an ad for a classic board game or someone who does it then declares it sucks?

Arrrgggh matey! Me thinks this fair wench has some serious issues

The bad news is that someone wants to kill Ray Romano. The good news is that Brad Garrett has nothing to worry about.

There’s no way to properly express the love a mother feels for her child. But if you do try to express it, perhaps turning your daughter’s likeness into a bad tattoo isn’t the way to go.

We think this tattoo is supposed to depict what Marilyn of The Munsters would’ve looked like if she was a hooker.

Wow. Merry Christmas to you!

Want to make a child cry? Invite this woman to your house.

A long time ago… on a sunburned back far, far away…

Nothing drives home the righteous message of the Good Book quite like reading a verse from it off a young woman’s back. Hallelujah!

Look, we’re all sad. This is just a little far… just a little

1. The One that Depicts Two Mythical Creatures Getting’ It On
This image would make a great black light poster. It makes a less than great shoulder tattoo.