Awesome and Funny designs that will spice up any neighborhood. Star Wars R2-D2 Mailbox In honor of Star Wars 30th anniversary, U.S. Postal Service has placed special “R2-D2″ mailboxes around the country. Tugboat Mailbox Located along the South side of Kings Row in Port Maitland. The actual mailbox is homemade and welded inside the pipe. Hammer Mailbox Giraffe Mailbox This creative mailbox belongs to someone in upstate New York. Apple Power Mac G4 Mailbox Old G4 tower has been converted into a mailbox in Auckland, NZ. Thomas Train Mailbox Beautiful train mailbox design from El Dorado Hills, CA. Microwave Mailbox Creative mailbox near Alliance, NE, home of the Hoopers. Log Cabin Mailbox Mailbox made from real logs with integrated newspaper holder. Turtle Mailbox Gun Mailbox Located out on Route 52, west of Fosterburg, IL. Beer Keg Mailbox Standard metal mailbox inside the keg. Front End Loader Mailbox Cool mailbox design located somewhere in the Denver area. Motorcycle Mailbox Nikon Camera Mailbox Located in Model City, along the 104, you can find this interesting mailbox out front of a residence Grass Shack Mailbox Blue Lady Mailbox Unusual mailbox design located somewhere in Miami.